Birth to Three


Let's Grow Together! 


Birth to Three mark Metro Nashville Public Schools is here to support a healthy start for all Davidson County children and we want to be your partner in providing the ultimate early development experience for your child.

The MNPS Birth to Three initiative provides information, strategies and tips to support the families and caregivers of children infant to three years of age. We also will have play dates to foster community and engagement and support you in building a strong foundation for your child's development.

Why Birth to Three?

Between birth to age three, a child’s brain is rapidly developing. Research shows 80 to 85 percent of the core brain structure is formed within the first three years of life. In the first five years, the brain makes 700 neural connections every second!

Vital Early Years

During a child’s early years they also are ready to absorb new information and build healthy relationships with their caregivers. Children who have positive interactions with adults, are introduced to books and experience early literacy skills from birth are more likely to succeed when they go to school.

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Connecting With Your Family 

Grow Together with MNPS connects with families in our community a variety of ways: We will soon launch programs that will include playdates, family care bags, in-person or virtual home visits, and a text messaging service that will provide families with information, tips and resources. 


Community Baby & Toddler Playdates

Nashville Public Library Playdates

The Nashville Public Library offers community playdates throughout the year. Search the library’s events calendar using the search words: playdate or play date to find local playdates or check with your local library branch for more information. The library also holds a Babies & Books Story Time at local library branches geared towards babies (0-24 months) and their caregivers.


Home Visitation Programs

Below are organizations in Davidson County that provide a home visitation program. The organization partners with families to ensure that the baby is healthy and safe and provides caregivers with resources and support.


Explore Birth to Three Resources